New App: Telemetry Data
The Telemetry Data app allows administrators to view usage data produced by SAP IBP. After that, telemetry data can be divided depending on a SAP IBP application component, a user session, and a time window. Due to its ability to understand user behaviour, the app will be helpful for businesses.
New App: Job Definitions
Now, IBP System Administrators can use the Job Definitions app to make it easier for planners to schedule jobs using the Monitor Application Jobs and Planner Workspaces apps. With the help of this improvement, planners will have to display or modify fewer fields because jobs steps can be predefined.
Request Level Calculations Available for Cumulative and Rolling Aggregation
With the help of the cumulative aggregation (IBP_ CAGGR) and rolling aggregation (IBP_ RAGGR) functions, configuration specialists can now execute request level calculations.
Model Configuration: Uppercase Values Only and Non-Negative Values Only Settings for Attributes
Only uppercase and positive values are allowed. Configuration for Attributes with the data types NVARCHAR, DECIMAL, and INTEGER, new settings are available. Values in Uppercase NVARCHAR attributes and Non-Negative Values are the only settings. To ensure better control for Master Data Integration, only set DECIMAL and INTEGER properties.
External Procurement and Subcontracting Orders in Production Planning Integration
Integration of purchase requisitions and subcontracting purchase requisitions for suppliers are now defined for TS supply Planning
With the introduction of new order type subcontracting purchase requisition, order-based planning (OBP) supports a basic subcontracting process now: The purchasing organization provides components to the supplier of the end product – the subcontractor. Subcontracting purchase requisitions have components assigned. Important prerequisites are real-time integration (RTI) and some new, subcontracting-relevant attributes
Planner Workspaces
Now in planner work space we have the ability to access relevant planning data without switching between workplaces gives planners new tools for carrying out their responsibilities effectively.
Access to workbooks and alerts is provided by a new navigation menu as part of SAP IBP 2305. Workbooks are collections of a single or more elements from the Planner Workspace, such as planning views or analytics charts the upgraded Planner Workspaces app provides increased assistance for planning filter.
Target Key Figures for Trend and Residual Patterns
Now we define new target key figures for trend and residual data for each calculation level in time series analysis. Which will calculate the trend pattern and Residuals in the history data.
SPEC Forecast Error Measure
In the SAPIBP1 sample planning area, SPEC has now been added to the BestFit_Intermittent_Demand sample forecast model. Spec is considered more reliable than other error measure when forecasting is based on intermittent or lumpy demand in the past.
Week Type Classification in Demand Sensing
With gradient booster and Daily Disaggregation Optimization methods, we are now able to set week type classification in the demand sensing process. A key figure that defines a week as either promotional or non-promotional might be specified. That serves as an additional signal for daily disaggregation.
SAP IBP Add-in for Microsoft Excel
Displaying the last time and who made changes to master data entries in master data workbooks. Users may now review the information, the time, and the individual who updated a certain master data entry. Even if it is possible to edit the cells of the columns Changed By, Changed On, Created By and Created On in Excel, these changes are not recognized as changes and ignored, when you choose Save Changes in the Master Data group.
Enhanced Log On Dialog
With version 2305 the SAP IBP, add-in for Microsoft Excel, the dialogs for logging on the SAP IBP system and managing connections have been changed and improved.
Enhanced Connecting Speed Function
With version 2305 of SAP IBP, add-in for Microsoft excel, the connection speed function has been enhanced, the measurement of the network time has been changes to make it more consistent. Under the Help drop down in the About group of the SAP IBP ribbon.
Improved Functions of S&OP Operator v2 in simulation mode
The Planning scope settings for S&OP operator and Inventory Planning are separated, if S&OP operator is enabled. If no S&OP and Inventory Planning operators are available for simulation, no planning scope settings are displayed.
The time selection considers the time profile level set in the S&OP operator profile. If simulation mode of S&OP operator and time profile is set to same then it considers the planning scope settings as time level.
If different time levels set as time profile level, you can select the time level that you want to use in your planning scope settings
Now we can run the S&OP operator in simulation mode, in edit view we have to provide the time level, version, scenario, and previously if subnetwork was not provided it was forced to provide the sub-network with version 2305.2.0 the behavior has been changed.
the Excel add-in checks whether the planning scope settings are filled only when you choose a relevant operator in the Simulate drop down
Navigation to the Manage Product Lifecycle app
With excel add-in version 2305, you can navigate to manage product lifecycle app. Choose Web Apps > Manage Product Life Cycle from About group ribbon and select Product Assignments or Forecast Dates. You’re then taken to the respective tab in edit mode in the mange Product Lifecycle app to adjust your product assignments or forecast dates in the Fiori launchpad.
Goods Receipt Lead Time and Calendar
We can now define a goods receipt lead time for location and production sources, in which you can model processes such as quality inspection. Goods receipt calendars are also available to specify non-working periods for such processes in 2305 supported by the time series-based supply planning finite heuristic and time series-based supply planning optimizer. Goods receipt processes can’t start or end in a non-working period of a goods receipt calendar. You may use these calendars or other relevant calendars
Supply Chain Network App Supports SAP7F
Supply chain network app supports SAP7F sample planning area for order based. Based on the master we can create the network charts that can visualize the supply chain data.
Monitoring Ts-Based Supply Planning Runs
We can view detailed statistics about time series-based supply planning runs in the planning run monitor app, provides support for configuration experts and planners. It is only available for supply planning optimizer and supply planning finite heuristic you can use the app to view detailed input and output data from your planning run, such as input data from master data types, key figures, mapping data, operator parameters before the run, and key figure output data calculated by the run.
Where used information for key figures app
With this app we can now display entities in which selected key figures are used and we can navigate to other SAP apps related to these entities, we can able to see the key figures which are used in the forecasting models.
You can use this app to perform the following tasks:
- Narrow down the list of Entities you search in
- Display Hits or the number of entities in which the selected key figures are used
- Display the number of Users that use the selected key figures
- Search within the Where-Used List of the key figures
- Export your results as an Overview List or Detailed List
Minimum Order Parameters for the Auto-ARIMA/SARIMA, Auto-ARIMAX/SARIMAX Algorithms
Now we can set minimum order parameter values in the auto-ARIMA/SARIMA and auto-ARIMAX/SARIMAX algorithms. With these, we can define the minimum number of preceding periods and the preceding seasonal cycles for autoregression, the minimum number of periods and preceding seasonal cycles for auto regression, the minimum number of periods and seasons in the sets of seasons for which the moving average of forecast errors is calculated, and the minimum number of times when differentiation is performed between adjacent historical values and seasons
Process Management
We can now configure the process templates to notify users of overdue actions, steps, and tasks and to keep them informed of the progress. You can also make a individual task notification. The launchpad’s notifications section displays notifications, which can also be received through email.
New Sample Planning Area for MRO Business Process
To improve the maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) business process in SAP IBP, a new sample planning area, SAP9, has been created. This is significant because it shows that MRO is beginning to be considered as an important factor within the SAP IBP technological landscape
Enhancements to Inventory Profiles App
- In the Inventory Profiles app, you can now do the following
- Export inventory Profiles list to spreadsheet
- Share and save the inventory profiles list. We can share to colleagues and save it to SAP Fiori launchpad.
Enhancement to the Time-Series-Based Supply Planning Optimizer
Now the time series-based supply planning optimizer to strengthen its tolerance, the optimizer has higher standards now searching for optimal solutions and the quality can become even better. Searching for better solutions can lead to longer optimizer runtimes. This can be done by adding additional parameter in the S&OP operator profiles app and setting its value to false If your existing settings limit the optimizer runtime, you can use the same limit after the upgrade. The optimizer may consider solutions only feasible and no longer optimal.
Changed Default for Maximum Lateness in New Planning Run Profiles
To improve the Planning run performance the have changes the default maximum lateness values for demand to 28 days in newly created planning run profiles. It is used to be 28 days for products that are relevant to shelf planning and 365 days for product that aren’t. The old default still applies in existing planning run profiles. Pre-allocation segment remains unaffected by the change. Users can, of course, overwrite default values in planning run profiles. But he confirmation mode on sales order level can set the maximum lateness for an order to 0 days.