Multiple Launch Dimension in New Product Introduction
To create more detailed forecast, we can now select a second launch dimension when we plan the phase-in and phase-out of a product in the manage product life cycle app or the Manual Forecasting tile. If multiple launch dimensions have been activated for the planning area that we are using, we can decide for each product whether we want to use one or two launch dimensions.
Gregorian Calendars in Demand Sensing
We can now use monthly calendars that have fewer than 28 days (such as fiscal months) in demand sensing optimization. If we prefer to use a Gregorian month calendar instead of the monthly calendar in the time profile, we can set the new Gregorian_Month_Calender global configuration parameter to ON. By default, the parameter is set to off.
Prediction Intervals by Automated Exponential Smoothing
In the Manage Forecast Models app, we can now set the automated exponential smoothing algorithm to calculate the minimum and maximum forecast values for each period in the future horizon. The resulting prediction intervals.
New Time-Related System-Generated Features for Multiple Linear Regression
We can now set the multiple linear regression algorithm to use additional system-generated for identifying time-related patterns in the data. For example, if you select the day of the week features in forecast model created for daily granularity, the system creates an independent variable that stores information about which date corresponds to which day of the week.
New App: Numerical Outliers in Master Data
We can leverage our machine learning capabilities to find numerical outliers in master data using the Manage Master Data app. With the find numerical outliers feature, we can analyse numerical attributes of the choice in selected master data types, identify outlier data, and display the numerical outliers in master data app
Resetting Changes in your Planning View
We can reset key figure value changes that we made in our planning view, using the new Reset Changes function. If we’re using the SAP IBP Formatting Sheet to format our planning view, and we have applied a formatting rule in the Default Format for Changed Cells field to highlight cells of key figure values that have been edited, you can’t use the Microsoft Excel Undo function to reset changes.
OData API: Integrate Key Figure Data with External Systems
Now we can use the Transaction Name Parameter to change the default description of the service in the Data Integration Jobs app This way, we can differentiate the requests of this service from the requests of another service in the app.
New Filter in the Task Template for Integrating Open Orders
When integrating data of open orders using IBP_KF_OpenOrders_S4 or the IBP_KF_Open Orders_ERP template in SAP Cloud Integration for data services, we can now filter on data that is part of the SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain (SAP IBP) integration model
Planner Workspace
- Administrators can now limit the recipients of job failure notifications to specific user groups for each planning area
- Planners now receive the notifications for jobs they scheduled in planner Workspace app.
Enhancements in Planner Workspaces
- Create and edit custom alert subscriptions directly in the Planner Workspace app.
- Customize the navigation menu to hide a tab we aren’t using, set a workbook variant to display.
- Copy and paste multiple attribute values into the filter fields in the workspace
- Export planning view data to a spreadsheet.
Automated Source of Supply Mapping for Production Planning Integration
The integration of key figures from SAP IBP for Supply chain time-series-based supply planning to SAP S/4HANA, the source of supply names in the SAP IBP must be mapped to production data structure (PDS) names in SAP S/4HANA. Now we can create use report Create Source of Supply Mapping for Integration with SAP IBP
Enhancements for Analytics Stories
- We can now do the tasks like Add canvas pages to analytics stories and see exactly what the user of the story will see regardless of the resolution
- Filter and exclude members in a chart
- Synchronize axes in a dual-axis chart so that measure is shown in the same scale
- Show dimension totals in a chart
- Apply a custom sort order for dimensions in a chart
- Sort and rank variances in a chart.
Enhancements to Application jobs
A new global configuration parameter allows you to hide the Run Application Job function in the Planner Workspace and Monitor Application Jobs apps.
Another new global configuration parameter allows you to customize the email template delivered by the email template delivered by SAP to trigger emails when jobs fails or complete successfully.
A new email template (Job Notification Email) is available for sending job notifications
New Template for integrating Project System Key Figure Data to Maintenance, Repair, and Operations Planning Area
Now we can use the new task template IBP_MRO_SAP9_PS_KF_S4_ERP_AddOn in SAP Cloud Integration for data services to integrate key figure data relevant to project systems from SAP ERP or SAP Enterprise Asset Management to an MRO-based planning area that was created based on the SAP9 sample planning area in the SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain.
Deprecation of the Web-Based Planning Apps
The Web-based Planning, Web-Based Planning – Customers, and Web-Based Planning – Suppliers apps are deprecated as of SAP IBP 2308 and will be deleted from the SAP Fiori launchpad in SAP IBP 2402.
Consumption of Minimum and Maximum Safety Stock as Input for Static Days of Supply
To consume minimum and maximum safety stock as input for a static number of days of supply in inventory optimization, new master data attributes as key figures have been added to SAPIBP1 planning area.
Enhancements to notifications in Process Management
In the Manage Process Template app, we can now set notifications in your process template to inform users when a new task is assigned and when the status of a task changes. We can also view these settings in the Manage Processes app. We can now navigate from any process management notification directly to the related process in the manage processes app.
Monitoring Transportation Load Building Runs
We can now view detailed information about transportation load building runs in the planning run monitor app, providing support for configuration experts and planners. If we encounter unexpected TLB results, we can use the app to view detailed input and output data from TLB run.
Copying the SAP 7F Sample Planning Area with Master Data Types for Additional Demand Attributes
When copying the SAP7F sample planning area using the Create New with Dependencies option, you can now choose to copy master data types for additional demand attributes along with the planning area. The attributes are automatically added to specific planning levels of the resulting configuration after the copy.