Integrating IBP and BTP Using Standard OData APIs

To integrate data with external systems other than SAP Analytics Cloud, use the /IBP/PLANNING_DATA_API_SRV and /IBP/MASTER_DATA_API_SRV OData services. These OData services can export data into external reporting or planning tools and also import data into SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain (SAP IBP).

• The OData service /IBP/PLANNING_DATA_API_SRV can export or import Key Figure data to IBP

• The OData service /IBP/MASTER_DATA_API_SRV can export or import Master Data to IBP

• To use these services, Communication Arrangements must be created for the scenario SAP_COM_0720. This communication scenario enables to use of these OData services

Note: The /IBP/EXTRACT_ODATA_SRV OData service allows you to integrate data from and into your planning areas as well, however, it is recommended to be used to integrate with SAP Analytics Cloud, whereas /IBP/PLANNING_DATA_API_SRV and /IBP/MASTER_DATA_API_SRV can be used with other external systems.

Steps performed in IBP:

Communication Arrangement Creation for SAP_COM_0720:

Before Creating Communication Arrangements, first, we must create Communication User and Communication System.

1. Creation of Communication User:

• Go to IBP Web UI and search for Communication User. You will see Maintain Communication Users application.


• Select the Maintain Communication User Tile.

IBP New Button

• Select the New button. Enter the user name and its description


• Now, you will see Password set-up on the same page. Enter the long password and Save it. You can choose Propose Password option. It will generate a long and unique password.


• User will be created with the name . Communication user created. Now, create Communication System.


2. Creation of Communication Systems:

• Go to IBP Web UI and search for Communication Systems. You will see Communication Systems Application.

Comm Systems

• Select the Communication Systems tile and you will navigate to Communication Systems Application.


• Select the New button.


• Enter required System ID, System Name. Under Technical Data, Select the Inbound Only check box.



• Under Users for Inbound Communication, Select icon ‘+’.


• A pop-up will appear. Select Authentication Methods as User Name and Password and Select User name which created before .



• Select the SAVE option. Then Communication System will be created with the name.

Now, Assign this Communication System to Communication Arrangement. Create a Communication Arrangement using the SAP_COM_0720 scenario.

3. Creation of Communication Arrangements:

• Go to IBP Web UI and Search for Communication Arrangements. You will see the Communication Arrangements application.

web ui

• Select the Communication Arrangements application tile. It will navigate to the Communication Arrangements application and Select NEW Button to create a new communication arrangement.

comm arrangement

• A pop-up will be appeared to enter Scenario ID as SAP_COM_0720 and enter the Arrangement Name. Select Create Button.


• Now, Provide Communication Systems that we created before.


• The moment when you provide Communication System, it will update details from Communication System.


• Now, Assign a Business user. This will provide authorizations to access data in IBP. Always provide a Business User which has Admin access.


Note: Always Share IBP scenarios with the Business user which is assigned to Communication Arrangement (SAP_COM_0720).

After successfully creating the Communication Arrangements system proposes the Service URLs. In the above screenshot, we can see 2 URLs under Inbound Services.

IBP External Planning Data Integration –

This URL is used to send and receive the Key Figure data.

IBP External Master Data Integration –

This URL is used to send and receive the Master data.

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